Creed (#Creed), the seventh entry in the Rocky movie franchise, set an industry record for previews yesterday and is getting rave reviews. As a long time lover of Sylvester Stallone movies, especially the Rocky series, I am bummed that the movie isn’t being shown in Israel until January 28!
In order to feel like I am joining in the Rocky celebration kicking off for Creed’s official U.S. release tonight, I have decided to share life/spiritual lessons from the Rocky series.
Let’s get ready to rumble!!!
Continue reading 4 Life Lessons Learned from Rocky Balboa →
The Talmud contains a fascinating story about an act that is apparently so important and noble that it GUARANTEES the one who performs it a spot in the World to Come (Heaven).
Which singular action could be so powerful and meaningful? Does a Jew have to donate major sums of his money to earn his place in the Next World? Does he have to learn Torah 18 hours a day?
Continue reading G-d Bless the Comedians →
One simple Jew's journey to Jewish joy (simcha) via ancient and modern techniques.